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Главная » 2014 » Сентябрь » 22 » Eyeon Fusion & RenderNode 7.0 build 1450
Eyeon Fusion & RenderNode 7.0 build 1450

Eyeon Fusion - это программная среда для создания кино- и видеопрограмм, обладающая широкими возможностями в области спецэффектов и комбинирования изображения высокого разрешения. Модуль Rendernode (Renderslave) для сетевого рендеринга, позволит создать распределенную сеть из компьютеров с установленным пакетом Eyeon Fusion для увеличения мощности при работе с видео.

На протяжении ряда лет профессиональными художниками - мастерами по спецэффектам и монтажерами разрабатывались инструментальные средства для удовлетворения их потребностей, связанных с производством художественных фильмов и коммерческих роликов вещательного качества.

Эти специализированные средства были соединены в универсальный программный пакет Digital Fusion. Пакет предназначен для работы в тех областях, где используются движущиеся изображения (мультимедиа, вещательное видео, кинопроизводство). Для работы во Fusion необходима видеокарта с поддержкой графического стандарта OpenGL.

Мощная и гибкая программа для композитинга основанная на нодовой архитектуре.
Применяется в кино и видеопроизводстве. Обладает широкими возможностями в области создания спецэффектов и комбинирования изображений высокого разрешения. Ярким примером использования программы является создание великолепного, детально прорисованного взрыва в к/ф "Пароль "Рыба-Меч"". Список фильмов созданных с помощью FUSION внушителен: "Город Грехов", "Аватар", "Хранитель времени", "Бунраку" etc,.
С помощью дополнительного модуля Соnntction FUSION может использваться прямо с таймлайна Avid Media Composer.
Поддержка OFX plug-ins.
64-битная версия Фьюжн позволит использовать больше 4 ГБ оперативной памяти и все новые возможности многоядерных процессоров.
Поддержка вывода видеоматериала через плату AJA Kona 3G).

Fusion and Everything New in 7

eyeon's flagship compositing environment has been battle-tested on thousands of productions. With eyeon's unique approach to fundamental architectural re-writes to future-proof pipelines and projects, Fusion 7 provides refreshing speed and compelling efficiencies.

Fusion blends 2D tools and 3D systems into a productive and interactive application. The 3D system and renderer import geometry from FBX, Alembic, as well as OBJ, 3DS and Collada. Millions of polygons, complex shaders, Ambient Occlusion, Deep Volumetric Atmospherics, and Particles Systems can all be final rendered quickly using GPUs, in seconds instead of hours.

The ability to have many 3D renderers all in one project, all integrated, all rendering different aspects from the same scene. The same scenes and animation from a 3D application, Fusion will generate Deep Passes like World Position, Normals, UV, and Velocity The flexibility to combine 3D and 2D in a single workflow, to finish and deliver all color calibrated.

Fusion has many features and tools for a studio to streamline, automate and build into their pipeline. Fusion has a built in Render Manager, Scripting engine that supports Python 2.x and 3.x and Lua. A host of useful scripts ship as part of Fusion. Create your own Macro super tools. Manage and Share tools, jobs and footage studio wide using the integrated Bin System.

Create more, go beyond just compositing layers, Fusion has more creation tools and a 3D system that can handle millions of Polygons with complex shading. Be creative in a flexible interface that can link animation splines, expressions, and modifiers to go far beyond the ordinary look.

Fusion 7’s 3D system and renderer import geometry from FBX and Alembic, as well as OBJ, 3DS, and Collada. Millions of polygons, complex Shaders, Ambient Occlusion, Deep Volumetric Atmospherics, Particles Systems, and other toolsets, are now all final rendered with advanced optimization for GPUs, benchmarking in seconds instead of hours.
Fusion 7 offers the ability to have multiple 3D renderers all in one project, all integrated and rendering different aspects from the same scene. Generating Deep Passes, such as World Position, Normals, UV, and Velocity, with Fusion’s flexibility to combine 3D and 2D in a single workflow, is a significant demarcation point from other applications.
Productivity and workflow are streamlined further with automation tools and enhanced rendering. Fusion 7’s built-in Render Manager, and the Scripting engine that supports Python 2.x and 3.x, and Lua, are supported with scripts that ship as part of Fusion 7. Developing Macro tools, managing and sharing tools, jobs, and footage, are now part of Fusion 7’s design for studio-wide use via the integrated Bin System.
Fusion can have multiple projects open at the same time, with cut and paste abilities between comps adding to the integrated environment design. It is now a matter of seconds to test one comp while rendering another. The Integrated Script Debug Console works for Python and Lua to step through code, set breakpoints, and have multiple scripts open at the same time.

Full New Features here:www.eyeonline.com/files/New-In-Fusion7.pdf

Fusion 7 is one of Hollywood’s leading visual effects compositing and motion graphics tools and has been used on thousands of feature film and television projects. Most recently, Fusion 7 has been used on feature films like Maleficent, Edge of Tomorrow, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Captain America, Gravity and more.

Fusion 7 combines the best in motion graphics and high end visual effects compositing into a single application. In addition to its advanced compositing tools, Fusion 7 also includes comprehensive paint, rotoscope, keying, layering and titling tools, along with an amazing particle generator system. It can import geometry from other applications as well as create its own elements, like text and particles, from scratch. Elements can be composited together and quickly output using Fusion’s GPU accelerated render engine. Multiple renders can be combined in one project to render different aspects of the same scene. Fusion 7 goes beyond just compositing layers and has a full set of creation tools for building objects and scene elements in a 3D system that can handle millions of polygons with complex shading.

Дата: 2014
Платформа: Windows x64
Интерфейс: Английский
Лекарство: JGS Crack
Размер: 122,06 Мб

Категория: Видеософт | Просмотров: 792 | Добавил: PLAYBOY | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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